Awake again, another good sleep, think I am ready to head back to Halifax for some action. It was a bit cooler overnight due to the clear skies. Today is another beautiful day, the best i have had here so far, but I have got my bags packed and am headed for the bus. I am glad to report that with the aid of the rope I found yesterday the walk to the bus is a lot easier with my suitcase in tow rather than having to be carried. I stay awake this time so that I can check out the confederation bridge. It certainly is a big one!! it was opened in 1997 and for a while was the longest. I wonder if the Sweeden - Denmark bridge now holds that title. Before crossing the bridge I notice a sign 'All trucks carrying potatoesmust report to the potato inspection office', funny. Potatoes are big bussiness out here, guess they want to keep them at a high standard. Then it is through the toll gate and across the bridge. Like I said, it is a big one. The rest of the trip is pretty standard and we arrive back in Halifax just before 1pm, about a 4 hour flight.
I decided on the bus that I should be able to find my way back to Jans on foot, so with my suitcase in tow I head off up the hill towards the Citadel. Easy enough, I continue past the skate park and through the commons to the corner of Robie and Cunnard Street. This was my undoing. I would later find that it is a quick stroll up Cunnard St, left onto Windsor St then right onto Ducan and home. however in my wisdom I walked down Robie for a few blocks and then turned left and continued to get lost. I crossed Windsor St but by now it was all over. I did see a church which i recognized so I thought I was doing ok, must have been on Windsor St. I arrive at a Sobeys supermarket, ok now I am lost. What to do, ask someone for directions maybe. I was about to head into a shop when i decided to back track to Robie St, familiar ground. I got back to where I had gone a stray, there is a gas station here which is usually a good place to ask for directions so in I walk with my suitcase in tow. I asked a girl behind the counter, she doesn't know where Duncan St is but the customer next to me pipes up and trys to work it out in her head. Thankfully they pull out a map and tell me where to go. So I head back to Cunnard and Robie St and well, you know the rest.
Strolling down Duncan St, suitcase trailing behind me, clank, clank, clank. One of the wheels has taken a hit so it has a flat spot now. The golf is parked on the road so Jan and Sarah must be home. "Honey, I'm home". Arriving back I find Jan and Sarah napping. I find out that Sarah has just arrived back from Ottawa, visiting her friend and godson. Jan ended up staying in Halifax and getting some work done, so together they are heading off this afternoon down the coast to stay at a cottage they are renting near Peggy's Cove. If I remember correctly we were at a cottage near Peggy's Cove last weekend which was free.......... Maybe this one has a hot tub or something awesome. So we catch up about each others weeks and soon they are out the door. I called Jan's brother Alex before they left as i have run out of credit and he is coming to pick me up after work and taking me out to stay at the cove, very nice.
Before long Alex arrives and we are off. Going to pick up one of Alex's mates Neil before swinging past the shops for some supplies and then out to the cove. Al is abit confused trying to get to Neils. He lives in an apartment building and they all look the same around here. We get there in the end and continue on. back at the cove we start getting into some drinks and food. Alice and a few of her friends are here aswell. Pt and Patty are chilling upstairs, we make a pitstop upstairs to say hello. Soon it is down to Pete's Retreat to cut some wood for the fire, soon realising that we didn't bring any drinks down (rookie mistake) so Neil and I head up to the house for supplies while Krista and Al get the fire going.
The fire is cranking now and we have our drinks, time for some darts. A game of around the world. They have these sweet cups with little blackboards on them which you scratch your name into, awesome. Before long we are all on our way to happy town and are joined by Alice and her friends. We fry up some chicken on the fire top which Neil / D-Bag nearly spills all over himself when the handle on the fry pan braks. Al and I jump up to save the chicken and push Neil aside. At the end of the night Neil has been obducted by his girlfriend who appraently is not very social. We call Jan to see what is happening out at the cottage. Not much by the sound of it and there isn't even a hot tub!!
Al and I head over to the shore for a mission and end up walking to the Joe Cracker monument, a pile of rocks on a high spot along the shore. Joe Cracker rescued a bunch of sailors from a sinking ship in stormy seas many moons ago in his little row boat. Now it is back home, the night is done. I sneak upstairs and into the spare room, goodnight.
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